How does social media and the Lockport Resource Center work together to serve the community? Rev. Bower’s letter says it all.
Thank you Lockport Resource Center! This is a testimony to the power of social media. A member of my congregation, posted on Facebook that her son’s bicycle was stolen from their porch. This family has had a difficult year and I knew that replacing this bicycle would be a financial hardship. I sent Anne a Facebook message asking if she had any mountain bikes. She told me not at that moment but she would be in touch. About 6 hours later Anne messaged me back to say she had a bike. 6 hours?! I was expecting 6 days – maybe! Because I do not live in Lockport, it took a couple days to get the bicycle to my church – delivered by Anne and Cean! – and then to the young man. When he received it, we prayed:
God who is everywhere, May this bicycle reliably transport this young man to places of wonder and mystery where you may be encountered. May there be more joyful places than places of sorrow, but in all those places may Josh grow in wisdom and love. As these wheels and gears turn, may his life be transformed into one of greater love and mercy, and may he know your ways of justice and peace. In the name of Christ, Amen
We then talked. The boy has been thinking about donating some time to LRC – partially because he needs service hours for 4H, Boy Scouts, etc., and partly because he knows LRC does such important work (his words). I told him of a couple things happening at LRC (a bicycle program, improving social media presence, data input) each of which excited him because these are things he enjoys. What does not get said enough: Lockport Resource Center does phenomenal ministry that touches people’s lives in meaningful and transformative ways. – Rev. Dr. Thom Bower, Interim Minister, First Congregational Church of Lockport